We welcome Dr. Lisa Calvente to the show. She is a Communications and Black studies scholar. We’re going to discuss her connection to the Notorious B.I.G., her work and research, her connection to Puerto Rican culture after her father’s passing, a lawsuit she’s filled against DePaul University stemming from her tenure process and a whole lot more.

Plus, we share details on the Paseo Podcast and 42 other independent media outlets coming together to save Chicago media.

Host, Joshua Smyser-DeLeon's Twitter ★ https://twitter.com/jsdeleon

Donate: https://www.savechicagomedia.org

Podcast Website ★ https://www.paseomedia.org

YouTube Channel ★ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiErkggr7eqspgCfR9jUOZA

Facebook ★ https://www.facebook.com/paseopodcast

Twitter ★ http://twitter.com/PaseoPodcast

Instagram ★ https://www.instagram.com/paseopodcast

Direct Download ★ https://www.paseomedia.org/episodes

Apple Podcasts ★ http://ow.ly/9Agz50COMEF

Google Podcasts ★ http://ow.ly/u80T50COMF1

Spotify ★ http://ow.ly/2g8h50COMFo

Pitch A Story ★ https://www.paseomedia.org/contact

Block Club Chicago Feature on the Podcast ★ http://ow.ly/MWu550COMH

★ About Our Guest(s) ★

DePaul professor claims broken rules, discrimination led to denial of tenure ★ https://depauliaonline.com/49030/news/depaul-professor-claims-broken-rules-discrimination-led-to-denial-of-tenure

★ Partners + Additional Credits ★

Chicago Public Library Paseo Podcast Discussion Group ★ https://chipublib.bibliocommons.com/events/search/q=paseo%20podcast

Puerto Rican Cultural Center Website ★ https://prcc-chgo.org

CIMA ★ https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/independent-media-alliance-about-cima/Content?oid=82156315

Sounds ★ MEINL Percussion

Production Assistant, Brita Hunegs' Twitter ★ https://twitter.com/britahunegs

Donate: https://www.savechicagomedia.org

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