Nate and Nick dive into the concept of values, empathy, and how to be the best version of ourselves so that we can make the people around us better. 

About AFS

Things change quickly sometimes. Looking at the photo accompanying this story in 2019 might have elicited thoughts about community, or fun events with friends; today the first thing that pops into our minds is a group of people not practicing social distancing. Certainly, life’s going to be a little complicated for awhile.

Just as it’s affected so many areas of our lives, the Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed the way we do fitness.  As restrictions loosen and lockdowns are lifted, people will be emerging from quarantine with a very unique personal challenge to solve. How can I keep myself safe while also getting healthier and more resilient? This by in-large will be a highly individualized decision as each person weighs their risk factors, age, and overall health status against the risks of doing the things they want to do out in public. Knowing this is the “new normal” we’re coming back to, AFS ensures we have an option for you. Whether you aren’t ready to leave home yet, you’re chomping at the bit to get back to the gym, or maybe you fall somewhere in between.

The base AFS membership, or as it’s referred to now: (contactless membership) includes access to the AFS community virtual hub where we host several live workouts each week you can do right from your living room. In home experiences ranging from yoga, to circuit training, even strength and stretching! Base members also get access to our signature outdoor “pop-up” workouts where you can socialize and exercise with friends out in the fresh air. The workout options are topped off with access to our members only forum and guidance from a degreed and certified personal coach we’ll pair you up with to ensure you have all the tools you need to get started. For $35 per month you’ll have the support you need to get moving again without ever having to set foot into one of our facilities.

Feel comfortable coming to one of our physical locations? Enroll in one of our traditional memberships and take part in some of the most highly reviewed exercise experience anywhere in southeast Michigan. Now with updated/scientifically vetted screening, sanitization, and distancing protocols in place.