Eric Watilo, Region Manager with Washington State Parks

Eric Watilo is a Region Manager with Washington State Parks.

After fifteen years in the field as a Park Manager and Park Manager, Eric has spent the past sixteen years in a Region Headquarters. As a Region Manager, Eric works directly with many Park Managers. He is familiar with the issues most Park Managers struggle with. Eric discusses the value of experience and how to build a strong team.

In This Episode We Talk About;

• Filling a position with the right person • The issues Park Managers struggle with the most • How to effectively communicate with your team • The role of technology in Parks • How can a Park show value for the cost a visitor pays • Building relationships among Park staff • What should never change about parks


• Music by Jason HarrodWashington State ParksGinkgo Wanapum State ParkSurvey MonkeyRed GreenJody Maberry


Handyman Corner - Camping (click to watch on YouTube)