Your favorite Triple Cs (co-parents, colleagues, collaborators) Drs. Dorimé-Williams and Williams tackle (a) questionable state decision-making, (b) political interference in education, and (c) the ongoing debate over vaccines and masks.

Our Attempt at Minute Markers:

State Hate, But It’s Not | 1:53
Vaxxed or Unvaxxed at Work | 10:16
Winning at any cost | 14:18
Political Shenanigans & “Diversity”| 17:18
Avoid Direct Exposure to Candice Owens | 19:49
Bears, Bullies, & Bad Decisions | 26:03


Texas Education Agency Fall Covid recommendations
CNN Terminates Unvaxxed Employees 
How to Protect Yourself from Covid 
Florida Governor Threatens School Leaders Requiring Masks
Ideological Survey Bill in Florida Now A Law 
Candice Owens on Black Lives Matter 
28 Reasons to Hug a Black Guy
Jeffery Robinson, ACLU: When Heritage = Hate 
Maybe It’s Time to Stand Up to the Bear 
Political Interference with Academic Freedom and Free Speech at Public Universities 
Public Funding for Higher Education