Episode 109 - Fear of Your Child Leaving the LDS Church

When you see your child leaving the church, feeling fear is normal, but not helpful. This is the third in a series of what happens for parents when their child leaves the church. 

When you are afraid, you are not responding and acting with your higher thinking brain, you are reacting from your lower instincts to prioritize safety and security. The problem with this is that prioritizing safety and security is often going against the relationship, not for it. 

Listen to this episode to see if this is happening to you and what you can do about it. 

Take away #1

You will never react rationally when you are afraid. Calm yourself down to be able to access your rational brain.

Take away #2

The anxiety you are experiencing right now will not change the future. The only thing you have is what you do right now at this moment. Mindfulness is important, and mindfulness can be described as having awareness without judgment – for yourself and for your child.

Your Weekly Challenge

Once each day, practice slowing your breath down. Use your nose and inhale for 4 seconds, then exhale for 4 seconds. Do this 10 times. This helps you to calm your body and bring your awareness into the present. It might feel strange or difficult at first, because this is much slower than you usually breathe. The more you practice, the better you will get. If you consistently practice this type of breathing over time, you will feel much more in control of your own responses to the circumstances of your life. 

Download Brene Brown’s Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto: CLICK HERE

Tina Gosney is a certified life and relationship coach. She helps her clients strengthen themselves so they can survive and thrive in their family relationships, no matter what is happening. Strengthen yourself and you'll strengthen everyone around you.

She is a positivity practitioner and is a trauma informed coach.
Visit tinagosney.com for more information