#021 – Expecting Other People to Be Different Than They Are

The topic this week is one that gets all of us in trouble – when we expect other people to be different than they are. It can cause frustration, anger, resentment, and a whole lot of other emotions. Listen to this episode to find out the 3 reasons why you want to drop the expectations in order to have a better relationship.

If you want to learn more about how to adjust your expectations of other people, come to my November 17 Masterclass:

Managing Difficult Relationships
Wednesday, November 17
2:00-3:00 pm MT

Tina Gosney is a certified life and relationship coach. She helps her clients move past contention in their homes and move into connection. It all begins with you and that's the best news ever, because that's the only person you have control over. You can be the person who directs your family to a new way of relating.

Tina is a positivity practitioner and a trauma informed coach.
Visit tinagosney.com for more information