Episode 136 - A Different View of Forgiveness

Are you someone who gets stuck in thoughts about how you’ve been hurt and have trouble letting go of that hurt? If that’s you, this is your episode. 

In this episode, I’ll give you a different view of why you might be stuck and how to begin moving forward.

Want help processing your difficult emotions so you can get unstuck and finally let that hurt go and move on? Let’s work on this together. Set up a 90-minute coaching call with me and let’s work on it together. You’ll feel so much better after this call.

CLICK HERE to set up your call


Are you putting off having a difficult conversation because you get emotional every time you try to express yourself? Maybe you cry, or get angry, or say things you regret later, so you avoid having difficult conversations.

If this is you, download The Difficult Conversation Guide!

In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to prepare yourself for the conversation, what to do during and after the conversation. And you’ll also learn some pretty useful emotional management skills that will help you long after the conversation is over. 

CLICK HERE to download The Difficult Conversation Guide – how to have a conversation with your adult child.

CLICK HERE to download The Difficult Conversation Guide – how to have a conversation with your husband.

Tina Gosney is a certified life and relationship coach. She helps her clients move past contention in their homes and move into connection. It all begins with you and that's the best news ever, because that's the only person you have control over. You can be the person who directs your family to a new way of relating.

Tina is a positivity practitioner and a trauma informed coach.
Visit tinagosney.com for more information