If you are worried or fed up with your teen’s digital addiction, this episode is for you. We are all painfully aware of the impact that excessive screen time and constant connectivity has on our teen’s mental health, focus, and resiliency. However, we also know that technology is tightly woven into every aspect of our lives and has transformed the way we live, work, learn, and connect. Our job as parents is to find the balance between embracing the benefits of technology and safeguarding our children’s mental and emotional well-being. Not an easy line to walk!

In this episode, Dr. Cam is joined by school principal Dr. Michael Gaskell to discuss how we can help our teens navigate through the digital noise and reverse its impact on their wellness, focus, and resilience. 

Dr. Gaskell has written several articles on the topic of digital disruption and its effects on students. He has also discussed the importance of supporting teachers in dealing with the disruptions caused by technology and how administrators can help them in this regard. He currently writes a monthly column in ASCD Smartbrief, presents at national conferences, and has published three books: Radical Principals, Leading Schools Through Trauma, and Microstrategy Magic


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