Ever find yourself in a communication standoff with your teenager? They seem to have their minds made up, and nothing you say can change it. Sound familiar?

In this episode, bestselling author and change navigation expert Michael McQueen shares insights into understanding and influencing teenagers. He discusses the reasons behind teen stubbornness and the mistakes parents often make when trying to persuade their teens. 

McQueen emphasizes the importance of empathy, curiosity, and open communication in building trust and grace with teenagers. He suggests strategies for negotiating with teens, setting boundaries, and problem-solving together. McQueen also highlights the significance of vulnerability and honesty in creating authority and respect. 

The episode concludes with a practical takeaway of engaging in activities side by side with teens to foster connection and understanding.


Resources Mentioned in This Episode

Mindstuck: Mastering the Art of Changing Minds
FREE Guide: Dr. Cam’s 10 Pro Tips for Raising Teens


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