In this episode, Dr. Cam talks with Deborah A Rosen and Lindsey Thoms the owners of The StudyPro.

StudyPro ( is an executive function and study skills center in McLean, VA. They work with students to help them better manage the “process” of school. This means helping students become better planners, time managers, initiators, organizers, and completers of work. Most students aren’t taught these skills, yet they are so deeply needed to be successful at school and throughout their careers.  

Dr. Cam talks with Debbie and Lindsey about:

How parents can best support their teens with their schoolwork.
The role executive functions (EF) play in student learning.
What parents want to stop doing to avoid unnecessary stress.

If you want to learn even more about how to connect with your teen and calm the drama, be sure to join me for the Parenting Teens Power Hour. I have an incredible lineup of experts ready to share their best tips and secrets—and it’s free. You can register at 

If you enjoyed this episode and all the impactful tips that Debbie and Lindsey shared with us, please take a quick moment to rate and review. This helps other parents like you find this show. Feel free to share the love with a friend as well.    

Have a peaceful, positive, CALM day.