In this episode, Dr. Cam talks with Amy Harman, Therapist, Eating Disorder Specialist, and author of Perfectly Imperfect: Compassionate Strategies to Cultivate a Positive Body Image.

Amy has been working as a therapist for over 15 years and has a specialty treating women and girls with eating disorders. She loves working with teens and their parents to help them navigate eating disorder recovery and frequently speaks on the topic of body image.

Dr. Cam and Amy cover:

Signs that our teen may have an eating disorder.
What to do if we’re concerned with our teen’s weight or body image.
How to help our teens develop a positive body image and healthy relationship with food.

Amy is offering a free body image meditation to listeners.


Connect with Amy Harman

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Want to learn even more about how to connect with your teen and calm the drama? Be sure to join me for the Parenting Teens Power Hour. I have an incredible group of experts lined up to share their best tips and secrets—and it’s free. You can register at

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