As our guest today, Dr. Madhukar Trivedi, says, depression and anxiety are pediatric illnesses. These are pervasive issues that affect a large number of children and teens. He has seen this not only anecdotally as many of us have, but in his distinguished career as a psychiatrist and researcher.

Madhukar H. Trivedi, M.D., is Professor, Chief of the Division of Mood Disorders, and Director of the Comprehensive Center for Depression in the Department of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Trivedi, holder of the Betty Jo Hay Distinguished Chair in Mental Health, is an established efficacy and effectiveness researcher in the treatment of depression. His research focuses on pharmacological, psychosocial, and nonpharmacological treatments for depression.

Dr. Trivedi shares with us today many of his findings, as well as practical steps we as parents can take when we have concern for the mental health of our children.