The Porn Invasion is a three-part Choose NOW Ministries blog series by Vicki Tiede and a Parent Talk podcast episode with guest Vicki Tiede and host Nicole O'Dell.

The Porn Invasion Part One: Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. 

Let’s just, for a moment, peek behind a door that you might prefer to keep closed. Regardless of how great a parent you are or how careful you’ve been about raising your children in the church, the fact of the matter is porn has a pervasive Internet presence and tempts even the best kids.

The Porn Invasion Part Two: Is your child viewing pornography? Now what?

Before you overreact, you need to find out if this was your child’s first exposure. If it was, then have a frank discussion, move the computer, and get some filtering software on your computers, notebooks, Smartphones, etc. – STAT! (See my recommendations in the article.)

If you’re pretty certain this is not a first-time exposure, then it’s time to have a very frank conversation with your son/daughter. Be prepared; you will most likely face resistance. Whether or not you’ve had conversations about porn in the past, most kids won’t stand before a parent and say they think looking at porn is a good idea. In their gut, they know it’s wrong and depending on what they’ve watched … very wrong! So in all likelihood, they are going to deny their use and vehemently deny that they have a problem.

The Porn Invasion Part Three: What should we tell the kids about our porn invasion?

That's an obvious question to ask if pornography has invaded your home and is tearing apart your marriage. Here’s a hard fact that’s difficult to swallow: according to a survey*, in 67% of cases in which one parent was acting out sexually (pornography, adultery, etc.), the children knew before there was an official disclosure.

This Parent Talk episode w/ guest Vicki Tiede


***Parent Talk is part of the Choose NOW Radio network, a division of Choose NOW Ministries. You can download the podcast right here, but we'd love it if you'd subscribe to us for free on iTunes or to the RSS feed! Also, while you're over at iTunes, leaving us a little review would be most helpful in keeping the show front and center so more people can find it. Thank you so much!