Parent Talk with guest Brenda Yoder.

When middle schoolers ask for your time, you have to take the opportunity. It may mean getting home at 1:30 in the morning and having a mom-hangover the next day, but these moments are few and far between. 

Where can you spend time with your middle-school child so you can have some unexpected conversations, laughs and God-moments? If your young teen asks for time with you – any time – what can you sacrifice so you can build memories and bond with them? You won’t regret it.

It was the busiest week we’d had in a long time. National Honor Society induction, Sports Awards Banquet, driver’s license exam, semi-state basketball championship, a parenting class we were teaching, and a large retreat I was speaking at and organizing in our community were on the agenda for the week. There wasn’t one night open and I was already exhausted. more or tune in to the podcast.

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