Our Guest is Lisa Ciotto.  She is a Health & Wellness Coach, Essential Oils Educator and Founder of Straight Talk On Wellness.  She also presents corporate workshops on her Empowerment Series.

----more----She spent over 13 years in the Occupational Therapy field.  Ran her own home daycare business for 12 years so she could be a stay at home mom and raise her children.

She is an instructor for Adult Continuing Education Courses through area high schools and community colleges on wellness topics.  As a Wellness Coach, she focuses on detox and digestive health, emotional wellness, and coaching on lifestyle choices.

Contact Information:

(860) 830-3327

Cleaning Recipe Link:http://media.wix.com/ugd/958bb1_60846e7684ed4570a2858b1c918ca19b.pdf

[email protected]






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