Dr. Dan welcomes Wendy Gossett, M. Ed. (an author, Temperament Specialist and Founder of Temperament Coaching) to today’s show to discuss temperament and parenting.

Wendy is a child temperament specialist who helps parents learn how to “see” their kids, not through their own biased lens, but through the lens of their child’s natural temperament.   Wendy starts off the show discussing her own parenting journey and how her own daughter inspired her life’s work.

Wendy Gossett’s Child Temperament test will help parents everywhere to understand their child or children (and her adult test will help parents understand themselves). 

Her work with parents shows parents how to uncover their "true type” so they can be self-aware and differentiate their strengths from their kids. Many times parents have unrealistic expectations that come from their own temperament biases.  

Today’s show tackles many topics including: 

How Wendy started using temperament psychology with families

(Hint: she was a corporate trainer using Myers Briggs, Keirsey and Carl Jung.)

What is temperament exactly? Is temperament determined by nature or nurture? How early can a parent  tell a child’s temperament?  Wendy’s viral video and why you should watch it today!

And more including Wendy’s Parent Footprint Moment. 

Wendy Gossett, MA, is a Parenting and Relationship Specialist based in Denver, Colorado. She has worked with countless parents helping them to understand their children better by using temperament psychology. EEG maps in Neuroscience validate temperament as a tool for comprehending the eight psychological functions of the brain, which help people see and understand each other from the inside out. She has also worked with many Fortune 500 companies as a trainer and facilitator. In addition to her expertise in the field of temperament psychology, Wendy has a master’s degree with over twenty years of experience in all areas of training including parenting her own daughter who is her complete opposite. She is a contributing writer for Denver Parent and Mile High Mamas and for the past decade, she has been compiling all her acquired knowledge and experience with families into a comprehensive parenting textbook YOUR CHILD’S INNER DRIVE to help parents have a “User Manual” for their children, which will be published soon.

 Watch this free video to learn more about Dr. Dan and Parent Footprint Awareness Training®.