Full show notes at the Parallel Worlds website at https://parallel.olliepalmer.com/pages/podcast/w03e01-exercises.html
Today's exercises:  
- Self-reflection freewrite (5 minutes)  
- One of the best things about small children is that they’re gullible. As a grown-up, you can tell them anything. I used to lie to my smaller siblings: “Don’t leave any toys out in the garden, they’ll be stolen by cats. Cats are always stealing things.” and “You always have a friend in the moon; if there’s a full moon, you can talk to it.” Take a few minutes to write a list of the most silly, outlandish lies you could tell small children as you can. The more absurd the better. Maybe you could start from lies that you were told when you were a child; maybe you could start by trying to explain something like gravity or the wind in a non-logical way; maybe you could just create an irrational fear of a type of animal. But take 5 minutes to come up with a list of lies to tell to small children. Think of them as baby conspiracy theories. (5 minutes)  
- Choose one of these baby conspiracy theories and expand it to become a script that’s 30-40 seconds long, introducing the main ideas, their origins, and working in any necessary back-story to make your claim believable. Record this script into an audio device.


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