Today we talk to Amy Butt, architect, lecturer, design tutor in architecture, and independent researcher. But today we’re talking about Amy’s other passion – science fiction. This is part two of a two-part podcast! Please listen to the first half first if you haven't already. :)

If you want to read up on any of the subjects touched upon here, we talk about:

Novels / Short stories:

Pamela Zoline (1988) The Heat Death of the Universe

JG Ballard (1975) High Rise

Moshin Hamid (2017) Exit West

Doris Lessing (1974) Memoirs of a Survivor

Kim Stanley Robinson (2017) New York 2140 (and briefly Three Californias Trilogy!)

Octavia Butler (1993) Parable of the Sower

Chen Qiufan (2013) The Waste Tide

N. K. Jemisin (2013) The Fifth Season (book one of the Broken Earth trilogy)

Essays / Theory:

J. G. Ballard (1962) “Which way to inner space”, New Worlds, #118

Kodwo Eshun (2003) ‘Further Considerations on Afrofuturism’ The New Centennial Review, Volume 3, Number 2 - (quoted -  “Assemble counter memories that contest the historical archive”)

Kodwo Eshun (1998) More Brilliant than the Sun (book on the music of Afrofuturism)

Dan Hassler-Forest (2014) “The Politics of World-Building: Heteroglossia in Janelle Monáe's Afrofuturist WondaLand” Para-doxa Volume 26

Kathleen Spencer (1983) ‘"The Red Sun Is High, the Blue Low": Towards a Stylistic Description of Science Fiction’ Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1

Darko Suvin (1979) Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre

Many thanks to Amy for taking the time to talk to us! Full show notes at


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