
Stories from the weekCody: My wife discovers YouTubeZach: How to properly interact with neighbors; Faking a building planIntro topic of discussion: Weird Fantasies. Each host names a weird fantasy they would have liked to be a reality. Cody: stranded on an island. Zach: professional theme park YELP reviewer

Main Topic — Lost

Initial Impact

We figure the best way to start talking about LOST is by discussing the elements that made us interested in watching the show in the first place. 

History. Lloyd Braun’s idea… survivor meets cast away meets Gilligans Island with a Lord of the Flies element. The Show CreatorsJeffrey Lieber: In Name Only (changed the name to Nowhere, which really made Lloyd Braun mad.)JJ Abrams: The Big Name (People loved his work on Alias)Damon Lindelof: The ProtegeWould end up being the primary show runner alongside Carlton Cuse.Together they wrote over ⅓ of the episodes for the series. They served as the overall creatives behind the vision and overall story. They constructed a “Bible” of sorts that contained all of the mythology behind the show Lost. They are still credited as writing one of the best TV episodes of a show… “The Variable” Fun Facts — Many people laughed this idea out of the room when it was originally being pitched. However, it ended up being the most expensive Pilot ever made for TV at the time… $14milAbrams and Lindelof “promised” ABC that it would not be a serialized drama, but that each episode would stand on its own…. They lied.Abrams was often asked questions about the show because many people thought he was more involved with the shows creation than he was. He dropped out to work on films halfway through the first season.Twilight Zone Influences — The Theme song and the Pilot.For a period of time, it was the highest-rated TV show on IMDB and is still critically recognized for being one of the best TV shows ever.Nominated for many awards throughout its run, having won a total of 12 awards during that time. Plot synopsis and our favorite episodes and characters.


CodyCurrently reading Range by David Epstein


Watching High Score before bed