A Review of the Social Dilemma — Interesting info/stories from the documentary and any criticisms we might haveA brief summary of the concept and subject matter within the documentaryCodyThe way in which Google autofill works based on region. It truly does develop regional narrativesThe notification system is completely aware of how much time you spend on the applications, and I never gave much thought to how it prompts us, just passively gave into the loop. Targeted advertising. On a device that tracks everything you observe that also has your credit card information stored in it seems to be a dangerous recipe. The bias in the documentary was actually handled quite well. Even though they were raising awareness of the social media pitfalls, it did so from the position that recognized how useful of a tool it has become. The story of our lives is probably better catalogued within our social media profiles, search data, email inbox, etc., than anywhere else on the planet. ZachNews sites prompting headlinesCurated content on Facebook (I see it with the tea company I buy from and I hate it). YouTube does this do.JoshFound the conversation shift to focus on how these companies aren’t necessarily trying to sell our data to advertisers, but more use the data to help advertisers get what they are selling in front of you.One of the interviews talked about how our phones have become what essentially are adult pacifiers. People who are alone, anxious, or afraid, will look at their phone.The discussion about regulation of the platform was a section interesting because it very much hits the nail on the head on the head Our personal stories, experiences, and thoughts about social mediaWill the message within this documentary be something that can be a catalyst for change?

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