“The key is starting, so that we can start making a difference.” - Pera Barrett

Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to another episode of Paperback Guerrillas - mana enhancing kōrero (life-improving conversations) with people from all walks of life, sharing insights, inspiration and tools to empower everyday people like you and I can turn into positive actions and change. In this introductory episode, I discuss why I started the Shoebox Christmas project in Wellington, why the Paperback Guerrillas podcast was formed, and how the two are similar.  
I’d normally introduce a bit more about the show guest here, but since it’s me: kia ora, I’m the founder of Shoebox Christmas Aotearoa, New Zealander of The Year Local Hero recipient 2019, writer/rapper, and as of now, your podcast host. 
I hope this gives you little insight into why we started this podcast, and what you can expect in the upcoming episodes. Enjoy! 

 If you want to help us share these conversations for positive change, please help by donating here: www.patreon.com/paperbackguerrillas

Question: what was your favourite quote or lesson from this episode? Comment below and let us know!



As always, he mihi nui, a big thank you, to Patrick Ryan for the audio magic, and Trek One for the choice intro music (you can hear more of his music on Spotify here.)

How to leave a review so others know it's worth a listen:


Step One: Open Paperback Guerrillas in iTunes. If you're not already there, tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “Paperback Guerrillas” Tap the album art. Then click “View in iTunes" or "Listen on Apple Podcasts."

Step Two: Once iTunes is open and you’re on the Paperback Guerrillas page, click the “Ratings and Reviews” tab.

Step Three: Click the “Write a Review” button, give a star rating, and write a sentence or two about what you like about the podcast. Click ‘Submit’ and you’re done.


Step One: Open the Paperback Guerrillas page on Stitcher.

Step Two: Click on “Reviews”.

Step Three: Give a star rating, click the ‘Write a Review’ button, share a sentence or two about what you like about the podcast, click ‘Submit,’ and you’re done.

He mihi nui, a huge thank for your review.

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