In this episode, the theme is manufactured ignorance.

One of the biggest stories of the week, Boris Johnson's burka comments which set off the PC brigade. I look at this story from a different angle to what you'll see or hear in the mainstream media.

I also talk about climate change. Earth is said to be at risk of entering a 'hothouse' state, from which there is 'no return', a scientist warns. I covered climate change in episode 18 and here I share some more information giving a very different perspective on climate change. The human caused climate change hoax is a classic example of manufactured ignorance.

Fizzy drinks have been found to increase weight, yes ... even diet drinks. I cover diet food and drink and also talk about cholesterol and why it may not be the great demon we're told. It may be a case of taking something we all need, and demonising it, just as happens with carbon dioxide. Hang on, though ... high cholesterol's bad for you; everybody knows that...

Finally, I cover YouTube and its latest contribution towards this ongoing war on alternative information and alternative content creators, being played out through Silicon Valley, to manufacture ignorance by controlling information received to control perceptions formed from information received.

Links for cholesterol studies:

Links for climate change studies

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