In this episode, I cover examples of how the world is run for the few, not the many.

I cover Zionism again. Shadow Chancellor in Britain John McDonnell has backed the founding of an anti-Zionist group accused of anti-semitism. The opposition party in Britain, the Labour party, has been accused of anti-semitism and refuses to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance new definition of anti-semitism. I talk about why (Revisionist) Zionism fits the theme of the episode this week.

Food bank use is increasing. This is the Hunger Games society yet again. I talk about why this story also fits the theme of the episode this week.

The Royal Bank of Scotland has escaped action by the Financial Conduct Authority despite its mistreatment of its customers who own small businesses. I talk about the wider context of this story and how it connects into the food bank story.

A UK government report concluding shale gas and fracking is responsible for air pollution wasn't published for 3 years and only emerged 4 days after ministers *approved* fracking in Lancashire. Fracking connects into the small business story and the food bank story as another article I feature talks about how fracking affects house prices. Society is run for the few; not the many.