Many of us leave home for grad school, to another city or even to another country. Some end up staying after graduation, some end up coming back home. Being an international student can be an experience in freedom and independence, but the fact that you are far from family and friends may be challenging, especially...

The post Filipa Carreira Barbosa – Navigating the International Student Experience appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.

Many of us leave home for grad school, to another city or even to another country. Some end up staying after graduation, some end up coming back home. Being an international student can be an experience in freedom and independence, but the fact that you are far from family and friends may be challenging, especially if you’re having problems or difficulties adjusting to a new place, to a new culture.

 In this episode, Filipa Carreira Barbosa will tell us about how she went abroad for her PhD how she coped with the shift and found balance in grad school, and about how she moved back home and transitioned into science communication and science outreach while staying in close contact with scientists in her domain.

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What you’ll learn about in this episode:

The importance of having a social safety net and of keeping in touch with family when studying abroadHow extracurricular activities and disciplines such as mindfulness are important for your mental healthDefining your personal academic goals and staying true to themThe importance of networking when transitioning and when coming back to your country of originThe value of trying different jobs that interest you when identifying your career path optionsThis episode’s pearl of wisdom:“Work/life is really stressful nowadays, in every field. But if you are doing it (your master’s, your PhD, or your current career), it’s because you deserve it. And love yourself.” 

Filipa’s links: 

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I launched Papa PhD on Bluebrry because I wanted a professional service that would interface with my WordPress website, that would robustly broadcast Papa PhD to all platforms, and that would allow me to grow my podcast in years to come.

And these are the reasons why I’m recommending the Blubrry podcast hosting and syndication platform.

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If you are starting a serious podcast project, do consider one of the first podcasting hosts out there, offering state of the art services, including IAB certified statistics, based on years of experience in the podcasting space.

Happy podcasting!

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The post Filipa Carreira Barbosa – Navigating the International Student Experience appeared first on Papa Phd Podcast.