In this Episode we launch a couple new segments in the show...the first is "The Best Medicine" portion of the show to bring a laugh or two to your day (kind of my version of Podcast stand-up) as well as the "Watch and Listen" segment where I talk about Podcasts worth lending an ear to and movies worth seeing. 

In the main opinion topic I discuss some on going issues with sports in general and where there has been progress (In my opinion) in men's and women's sports, participation and access equity since Title IX came in back in the 1970's as well as the fan support levels are at the collegiate and professional level.  I'll touch on Michelle Wie (the now out of retirement professional golfer) and her response to comments made about her on "The War Room Podcast" in a conversation between Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon.  Where is the popularity meter in men's and women's sports and which sports may be more equitable as far as popularity among all fans.  I talk about the broad television coverage of both Women's and Men's sports at the collegiate level and beyond and the progress made and the road forward.

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