In this episode of Commitment Matters, Mary speaks with Amanda Brumbelow, the Founder, CEO and Coach at Ardu Business Advisors, and Vice President of Operations at Allegiance Title Company of Arkansas. Visit the Ardu Business Advisors website or email Amanda directly.

During their conversation, Amanda or Mary mentioned:

• Amanda developed a year-long, hands-on training course for closing agents. It includes a mentorship program and in-office trainings. Learn more about the course on Amanda’s website.

Watch Amanda as she explains her background and purpose in coaching and business development.

• The average size of a title company in the U.S. has less than 10 employees. View more stats about title companies here.

• Amanda references the book “Radical Candor,” which discusses and educates in modern-day leadership tactics and attitudes.

• Another book about leadership and success that Amanda recommends is “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck.

Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset

• Many businesses are having a hard time coming back to the office after Covid. Here’s some guidelines for managers and some ideas that will motivate and celebrate the return to the workspace.

• To avoid employee burnout, Amanda suggests offering greater benefits. Here’s an article with benefit ideas to keep employee retention.

• Amanda references the book “Finish Big: How Great Entrepreneurs Exit Their Companies on Top,” discussing the need for a fully thought out plan before venturing into a new business.

• Key business measurements are OKRs, or Objectives and Key Results, and KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators. Here’s an explainer to learn about the differences between the two and when they would be used.

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