Purpose by Design welcomes Dr. Garrett Goggans - an entrepreneur, father, and grandfather in summary. He has his doctorate in computer-science, which led to creating one of his businesses: a web-developing company that he co-owns.Additionally, Dr. Garrett is a motivational speaker and a mindset engineer who helps peoples’ external circumstances change for the better by teaching them to have a positive mindset. He shares how thought process is the single most important factor in achieving one’s goals. Dr. Garrett runs his own podcast, "Moving Upstream Without a Paddle". You can find the info below along with his website.Mr. Goggans shares the importance of finding our “why”. Plus, how small tasks per day make you reach the finish line.Dr. Garrett encourages upcoming and present entrepreneurs alike to ensure they have a good inner-circle around them. He also shares the importance of getting rid of toxicity in our lives and watching the words we speak to and about ourselves. Words do matter!When a person can shift these things- the future will open up to them.Join us this week and hear Dr Garrett our amazing guest. Please share the Purpose by Design Joy on your social-media platforms. Thank you SO much ❤*If you feel inclined to reach out to Dr. Garrett Goggans - it’s recommended to do so via Facebook Messenger to receive the quickest response. Links:Website - www.GarrettGoggans.com Podcast - Moving Upstream Without a Paddle Facebook - Garrett GoggansInstagram - Garrett Goggans (@drgarrettGoogans)Books Mentioned - What To Say When You Talk to Yourself The Science of Getting Rich As Always – Thank you so much for listening to this week’s International Radio Show and Podcast. We would love the support of our listeners by sharing our page on their social media platforms. Blessings to you and yours!