Purpose by Design welcomes an inspirational young man: Salvador Espinoza - a motivational speakerand mentor.
Our guest grew up in the streets of Compton, California- a city known for its violence and gangs. Salvador explains what it was like growing upin such a city and the troubles that came its way. He tells us about hispowerful near-death experience and how God gave him wisdom that he was notgoing to die at that moment. This experience was a pivotal point in his lifewhere Salvador chose to change his ways for good. He went to prison where agodly inmate was divinely used to bring Salvadorto Christ.Salvador motivates others with this message,"You are much more than your mistakes. There is hope for a fulfilledlife because you have greatness in you."Salvadortalks about the absence and effects of not having an earthly-father butencourages anyone out there in a similar scenario that we all have a PerfectFather in Heaven who deeply cares about each and every one of us.Salvador shares how everything happens for areason. Our trials and shortcomings are a powerful part of our testimony. Healso speaks about the importance of mindset. The right mindset will shifteverything.Salvador has been through a lot and can help youtake the first step to a better life - reach out to him. He will teach you toleave your mark on this planet and how to be intentional with your actions.
Links:Email - [email protected]Facebook - Salvador Espinoza
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