If I could get every single person out there to try CrossFit, I would be very happy. BUT not all CrossFit gyms are created equal. And it's hard to know what to look for when you start out. So I'm talking about how to find the perfect gym in your area, how to keep your sh*t together and not injure yourself (and end up blaming CrossFit) and how to make CrossFit work for you and your goals!

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Episode 48 Transcription!

Juli Bauer: Hello, hello. Welcome to another episode of PaleOMG Uncensored. I am here on the couch with my little puppy dog, and I’m squeezing his ‘widdle wips.’ He’s so freaking cute. He’s been a pain in my ass lately. I don’t know how people do it with children. But I still love him.

If you live in Colorado; I think this has been on national news because I keep having people sending it to me. Maybe they’re from Denver, I don’t know. I guess some woman; I don’t know if she had dementia, or she was a hoarder. Something. But she had like 25 or more French bulldogs at her house. Terrible. It was so sad. And they were incredibly malnourished. They had to euthanize a few of them. So sad. Obviously they have a ton of behavioral issues. I’m guessing this is an incestual situation, if there are 25 of them in this house. So f*cking sad.

And this happens with all kinds of different dogs. But I keep getting people sending me this message; this email. Whatever I’m trying to say. This link. Because these French bulldog; I don’t know how old they are. But these French bulldogs are going up for adoption this Saturday, when this podcast comes out. And so people are like, “Go get Jackson a brother!”

But here’s the thing. Jackson has become a real asshole. And you know, like mother like son. {grunting} Jeeze, mister. Like mother, like son. I think he can feel that I’m not a huge fan of kids, so he’s not a fan of kids. He can also sense; I don’t know. He’s just weird. He has just become weird in his older age. And he gets kind of mean around dogs; especially puppies who are all skittish and crazy. I’m like, dude you were like that like a year and a half ago. But they get so old so quickly. He’s like an old man.

So a brother or a sister is just not going to happen. Because I don’t want to work for a few months at him not hating another dog. I just don’t want to work at it. Because I’ve been traveling a ton. I have a ton of travel coming up in the next just two months. So that just wouldn’t work. It just wouldn’t work.

I know those dogs will get picked up so fast, it’s not just because I’m not getting on they’ll never be chosen. Before; my sister-in-law and I were thinking about going there and just looking at them. Which you know is always a terrible idea. Especially because she just moved into an apartment. I’m like, wouldn’t it feel nice to come home to a dog? Right? But yeah, we think it’s a bad idea. So I think we’re going to try to stay away from that, and know that they’ll get picked up in a second. It will happen, ok?

But man. It’s so sad. Dogs being malnourished; why don’t those people go to jail. Right? It’s like, if you hurt a human, you go to jail. But hurting animals is way worse. Is that f*cked up to say? I don’t care.

So, I’m very excited you guys. Because tonight I get to go to the live episode of My Favorite Murder. And if you're not into true crime, then you’ve probably never listened to this podcast. If you don’t like murder, I wouldn’t listen to that podcast.