Chatting about my recent trip to Santa Ynez Valley (which I'll be recapping on the blog soon) and some of my favorite things that I seem to be using daily in my own life!

Tula Products
HiQ CoQ10
Andalou Face Mask
Collagen Packs
Fourth & Heart Ghee
Forest Cold Brew Coffee
Vanilla Bean Sweet Cream Collagen Iced Coffee
Madewell Clothing
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

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Episode 43 Transcription!

This is Juli Bauer from PaleOMG and you are listening to PaleOMG Uncensored.

1. Santa Ynez Valley trip [2:04]
2. Upcoming travel plans [15:07]
3. Favorites for beauty [25:12]
4. Favorites for food [30:04]
5. Traveling solo [36:57]
6. Favorites for fashion [40:48]
7. The Bachelorette [45:22]

Juli Bauer: Well good morning. It is Sunday, July something. And I usually record on Thursday or Fridays, and then post the podcast on Saturday. But I was traveling all last week. And then I got back to town, and wanted to hang out with my sister-in-law. And one of my friends just went through major back surgery, and she’s so badass. So I just wanted to bring her food. So I just made them a bunch of food. So that just kind of took up the time that I was supposed to be doing my podcast. But sometimes friends are just more important, you know? I know not to you, who are listening. And you wait for the podcast on Saturday. Maybe you're just listening to all this and know no different. But I apologize to anybody who waits on Saturdays for the podcast. But friends are just pretty rad. And I couldn’t record earlier in the week, because I was doing so many things. In. Santa Ynez Valley.

So it’s Sunday. My husband on the couch watching ESPN sports recap stuff. So I’m sitting on the floor of our bedroom. Because as right now, the dog’s coming in, and he’ll just play this game. Because he doesn’t like the door being shut. So he’ll come in, and mosey around, and see that I’m super boring in the bedroom, and then he’ll want to leave and he’ll whine at the door. So it’s just really annoying. He just brought a bone in here. So apologies now if you can hear that annoying sound. This dog.

1. Santa Ynez Valley trip [2:04]

So anyways. I just got back into town from Santa Ynez Valley, and you guys. It is seriously one of the coolest places I have ever been. I had never even heard of this place. I don’t know a ton about California, because it’s the most gigantic state ever. But I know I hate going to LAX, and I hate being in LA. And even a lot of other spots that I go to are just a little bit too busy. Because Denver is like that too, now. So just going to another state, or another city to sit in more traffic is not what I think of when I want to be on vacation.

So, this trip; I work with a ton of visitor bureaus to showcase their city. So they will set up an itinerary of things that would interest me and my readers. So mine are wellness and food related. So I worked with the visit bureau of Santa Ynez Valley, and you fly into Santa Barbara. Which Santa Barbara is the best airport ever. Why can’t all airports be like that? There’s, I don’t know, 6 gates. Nobody is there. It’s so easy. You just check your luggage. You get your luggage in 14 seconds. It’s so easy, and calm, and beautiful, and well-kept. It’s just awesome.

So you fly in Santa Barbara, which is easy breezy. And then there’s a lot of fires going on right now in California, so I had to take the longer drive from Santa Barbara to Santa...