Today on the podcast, I have Michaela North of Hungry Fitness, who created the Nutrition Foundations Course for the PaleOMG app! I have wanted to hire a nutrition expert for quite some time now and Michaela felt like the perfect fit, especially after working with her directly. Michaela has worked one-on-one with clients for years now and took her expertise to create this affordable course that will give you all the tools to create a sustainable understanding on what to eat and how much! If you're ready to understanding portion sizes, macros, how to integrate eating out and alcohol into your lifestyle choices that are filled with goals - this course is for you! Purchase the course now and get ready to build a better relationship with food that coincides with your physical goals! Download my new fitness app today! Purchase Nutrition Foundations here! Support the podcast by clicking the Subscribe button on iTunes and please a review only if you love the podcast! There is enough negativity in this world, don’t spread more. I love hearing about what YOU want me to talk about so feel free to leave on comment here or on social media with topics you’d like me to cover! And don’t forget, some posts have affiliate links which I may be compensated from. This compensation helps with keeping this blog and up and running! Thank you so much for your support, you guys are amazing!