Today on the podcast, I'm talking about my experience with adding Orange Theory workouts to my own workout routine and the changes I've seen! Plus I'm answering some of your questions about OTF!

Aaptiv is a fitness app that gives you custom workouts with the voice of an elite trainer and an amazing playlist, walking you through the class or workout or training session! They have unlimited workouts such as race training, ab workouts, spinning, strength training, and even more! I’ve been using it for stretching workouts after my CrossFit or Orange Theory classes! To get motivated or simply just get to stretching this 2017, try Aaptiv out for FREE for 30 days using the promo code PALEOMG. Sign up here and try it out for 30 days now!
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Episode 41 Transcription!
Today’s podcast is brought to you by Aaptiv. Aaptiv is the fitness that brings together the voice of an elite trainer, walking you step-by-step through the workout of your choice. So whether you want to do marathon training, or you want to just train for a 5K, or you want to do yoga, or spinning, or elliptical, or strength training. Whatever you want to do, Aaptiv has it on their app. And they’re constantly adding new workouts, so you can find the perfect workout for you. And you can pick for whatever time you have left in your day. So say you only have 7 minutes. They have a 7-minute workout that you can do. If you only have a couple of minutes, they even have that. Or you can push it longer, from 30 minutes to even longer than that. So you can always have a workout, no matter what your time constraint is. And since it’s on your phone you can do these workouts anywhere. Whether you're traveling, or you're just doing a workout in your basement, or you're garage, or you're living room. Or even if you're just at the gym with your headphones in. You can do these workouts anywhere.

And right now, you can try Aaptiv out for 30 days for free. All you have to do is go to and use the promo code PaleOMG. And, when you're on there once you sign up, you can try out my 7-day challenge. So you just go down to the bottom, to the curated playlist, open that up, and you’ll see PaleOMG. And I have an amazing challenge on there. It’s the Get Strong Challenge, where you have 7 workouts, 7 days, and 7 recipes on there. So you can cook my recipes, do my favorite workouts from the app, and get fit, and get stronger. It’s pretty awesome. So go try Aaptiv out today. It’s Aaptiv, promo code PaleOMG.

This is Juli Bauer from PaleOMG and you are listening to PaleOMG Uncensored.

1. What’s going on with Juli [4:56]
2. Bachelorette recap [17:26]
3. All about Orange Theory [35:16]
4. Starting with weights or treadmill [52:27]
5. Splat points [53:25]
6. Results from Orange Theory [56:52]
7. Choosing between CrossFit and Orange Theory [59:58]
8. Getting better at running [1:02:33]
9. Orange Theory and injury [1:04:40]
10. Strength loss and weight gain [1:09:03]
11. Update on barre [1:10:15]
12. Orange Theory for beginners [1:13:32]
13. Difference in CrossFit and Orange Theory [1:15:22]
14. Heart rate monitors [1:16:25]

Juli Bauer: Hello guys. Welcome to the 41st episode of PaleOMG Uncensored. My name is Juli Bauer, if you haven’t been here before. Actually, my name is Juli Bauer Roth. I think my husband finds it kind of annoying that I still can’t get my name right. Like, the other day I’m having to sign paperwork for his 401K sh*t,