Today on the podcast I'm chatting with the super cool Sal Di Stefano from Mind Pump. After listening to Joy & Claire from Girls Gone Wod I was super excited to chat with Sal myself and hear a little more about his own story. If you haven't listened to Mind Pump yet, they usually share 5 episodes a week so you always have something new to listen to and they share some really cool information about people's bodies, nutrition and exercise. And they are no bullsh*t kind of guys. I love it! I'm super excited because I'll be heading to the Mind Pump studio soon to record an episode of their podcast! So stay tuned for that!

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Episode 56 Transcription!
Well hey there pumpkin head. Welcome to another episode of PaleOMG Uncensored. It’s Halloween weekend. It is on, guys. Kids are everywhere. It’s my living nightmare. And they’re all hopped up on Snicker bars and Butterfingers and Kitkats. Those things probably cause anal leakage. I’m just kidding; Snickers, KitKat, and Butterfinger. I’m just joking. Please don’t sue me.

But. If you don’t want to go the anal leakage route, know what I’m saying? Head over to because there’s none of that going on over there. No way Jose. This week I shared edible cookie dough. No eggs in there. No raw eggs, if you’re freaked out by raw eggs. I get it. I’m not. F*cking chug that sh*t down, if it’s in cookie dough. But this removes the eggs. So I’ve got a little treat on there for you. And then you know exactly what you are putting in your mouth. No sketchy ingredients, ok?

That’s enough. That’s enough from me. I have a special interview today. I am talking to the wonderful Sal from Mind Pump. The other day I was on Instagram, and I said “Sol”. And he was like, “Hey, Juli. My name’s not “Sol”, it’s “Sal” like pal.” So he put me in my place because I’m a dumbass.

So, Sal is one of the three hosts of Mind Pump, and I’m very excited because I am going to San Jose to record a podcast for Mind Pump next month. So I get to meet all three guys. But today, it’s just Sal, and we are talking about all kinds of different topics. He is just so incredibly intelligent. So well spoken. I loved chatting with him. I hope you guys enjoy this episode. And yeah, here he is. Go check out Mind Pump Media, if you haven’t checked out their podcast. And I hope you enjoy this episode. Bye-bye! Eat edible cookie dough! Bye!

This is Juli Bauer from PaleOMG and you are listening to PaleOMG Uncensored.

Juli Bauer: Hey everyone. Welcome to another episode of PaleOMG Uncensored. Thank you so much for joining me today, because today is a very special episode because I’m not talking to myself for an hour straight. Today, I have a lovely other human on the podcast. I have Sal from Mind Pump Media. Sal, what’s your last name?

Sal Di Stefano: Di Stefano. I know, most people can’t pronounce it right.

Juli Bauer: Yeah. I’m glad I didn’t even try. {laughs} Sal Di Stefano. And I’ve heard that a million times on the podcast. But I’m glad you're saying it. So thank you so much for being on the podcast today. It’s really cool to talk to an actual human being.

Sal Di Stefano: Thanks for having me on, I really appreciate it.

Juli Bauer: Yes. Well, will you tell everyone; because I’m very new to Mind Pump. I heard about you guys through Girls Gone WOD, because I’m close friends with Joy and Clare. And so when they were on your podcast, I started listening,