I get an email or two every month with someone asking where to start when it comes to eating paleo, so I thought it would be perfect for talking through on a podcast! Starting paleo can feel pretty daunting, but I promise you that it gets easier and easier over time!

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Episode 45 Transcription!

1. The Bachelorette [17:11]
2. What the Health [21:21]
3. Juli’s paleo journey [25:05]
4. Cleaning out the pantry [30:17]
5. Trying new recipes [34:45]
6. Don’t try to be paleo perfect [37:32]
7. Getting your family on board [40:26]
8. Paleo challenges [46:34]
9. Keto [50:07]
10. Macros [51:43]
11. Intermittent fasting [54:14]
12. Alcohol [58:13]

Juli Bauer: Hello pumpkin. Welcome to the 45th episode of PaleOMG Uncensored. My name is Juli Bauer Roth, and I am the creator of www.PaleOMG.com. I feel like I should introduce myself every episode, but I always forget. So if you're starting from here, it’s your lucky day. If you started from any of the other probably 42 episodes out there, then you don’t know who the hell is speaking to you. But today, I’m here for you. www.PaleOMG.com. That’s where I came from. This is where I am now. While I was on book tour, a woman asked me to start a podcast, and I did it. So she better f*cking listen. She was like, oh yeah it will be fun to listen to Juli! And then I started a podcast, and she was like, what the f*ck is she talking about?

But you know what, every week is different. I like to change it up on you guys. Sometimes, I like to talk about weird sexual encounters with my girlfriends, and other times I like to talk about paleo. Don’t let the PaleOMG part of my name throw you off. There’s all kinds of different information here on this podcast. But today it’s just me by my lonesome.

Last week, I was in Austin. Which is why I recorded with three of my closest girlfriends, who are all bloggers, as well. And we talked about nothing of importance, but it was wonderful. Because who doesn’t like just chatting with girlfriends. It’s not really fun listening to people chatting with girlfriends, but it was for us. It was good for us.

So I was in Austin last week. The amazing people behind Siete Foods, which is a grain free tortilla and tortilla chip company. And I’m hoping they expand to 20-hundred other items on their list. Because they have the best tortillas and the best tortilla chips out there. So addictive. And they’re totally grain free. They’re not filled with weird sh*t. Or fillers. Or if you have issues with corn, they don’t use corn. So it’s just really rad.

So anyways. They brought us out to Austin, and got us in an AirBNB. And it was a thank you for always supporting them. They’re just such an awesome family. It’s a family-run business. They f*cking rock. They live in Austin, which I’m jealous of. Except it was 4 million degrees there. And we had all these big plans of doing things, and then it was just too hot to do any of them. So all we did was eat until we were uncomfortable, and then sit and talk about business. Which is wonderful. Because none of us; Lexi, because she’s on the East Coast, she has a few more friends who are in the blogging arena. But the rest of us, we’re kind of on the outside. I don’t have a ton of friends, especially in my specific business. I know some in the fashion. I know some strict in paleo. But I don’t hang out with them regularly. So it’s nice to talk to close girlfriends who are open about their bus...