For many of us, sugar is a controlling b*tch. She takes over our mind, our body, and we feel like we've lost all control. Especially around the holidays. Those cookie plates or dessert plates are sitting out at a party and we just continue to go back and back for more. I even experienced that last night at a Christmas party. Since I try to stay away from alcohol, I find myself eating more while everyone else is drinking. And since I was trying to stay away from the cookie plate, I was stocking up on meat and cheese, just in hopes of keeping that sugar demon at bay.

In this podcast, I talked about what has worked for me, knowing what foods to completely stay away from, and how to get the sugar demon under control when she rears her ugly head. I talk about doing a Whole30, 21 Day Sugar Detox and what I do now that has worked way more than those programs. It's all about trying things out and finding what works for you!

And I'm answering a ton of questions from you amazing readers, so THANK YOU for asking such great questions! If you have any other questions sugar related, feel free to leave them in the comments.

Here's a few links from the podcast:

Why grains sucks & we shouldn't be eating them
Quick overview of sugars
Names of all the sugars out there
For sciency stuff and answer to all your questions, check out: Diane Sanfilippo, Whole9 Life, Robb Wolf, Loren Cordain

And THANK YOU so much for listening and leaving a nice review! It's been so fun recording these podcasts all because of you guys! Happy Holidays! I hope you have the best weekend ever! And stay tuned next week on the podcast - after a request from a listen, I'll be talking about my favorite things ranging from face treatments, to paleo products, to makeup and even more!

Episode 14 Transcription:

This is Juli Bauer from PaleOMG and you are listening to PaleOMG Uncensored.

Juli Bauer: Hello guys. We’re on. We’re doing this. We’re on to episode; what are we on like 14? I think this is episode 14. Going strong. Week 14. How’s everybody doing? Are you doing ok? I know the holidays are coming up; which means you have to hang out with your family; which means it can be stressful, unless you really love hanging out with your family. Or your in-laws. Luckily, I have f*cking awesome in-laws. But I hope you're not stressing out too much. I hope you had your holiday shopping done. I hope you're doing cool stuff for the holidays. We’re road-tripping it to Omaha; and no hate on Omaha, because the people in Omaha are awesome. But road-tripping to Omaha is the worst. There’s nothing to look at; once you get to Omaha it’s super windy because there are no mountains. So you’re just cold, and you have wind-blown face the while time you’re there.

But you know what; we’re going to go to a movie theater where you lie down, so you actually sleep the whole movie, so that’s kind of pointless. My friend told me about a distillery; I don’t really like alcohol but my husband does, so we might go to this distillery. What does distillery even mean? Just alcohol, or does that mean whiskey? I don’t know, I didn’t ask questions because I did not care. But we’re going to do that. I really have no idea what else we’re going to do. I’m going to cook some meals. My mother-in-law had knee surgery this year, that’s why we’re going out to Omaha because she can’t sit for long hours. So yeah, we’re going out there. Which honestly; I’m very excited about that we’re road-tripping out there instead of flying because I had quite the bad situation; quite the bad experience with Frontier airlines. And my new duty in life is to make sure I don’t ever fly Frontier again, and no one else ever does. Because it is the worst. It is so bad, you guys.

I’m going to tell this short story. So I talked about it on the blog, but let’s talk it out real quick. So my brother-in-law and his girlfriend came into town this past Saturday. Their flight gets delayed by hours; no big deal, it happens.