Every four years, the elite athletes from all across the globe gather to compete in the Olympic games. Those 17 days are filled with triumph, tragedy, heartbreak, and exaltation. Some rise, some fall, and all of us are entranced.

Most of us watch the spectacle with a sense of awe, a feeling that we are witnessing feats that are incredible, impossible for mere mortals, but for some, watching the Olympics ignites a deep hunger, a drive, and a purpose.

For every Olympian that competes in the games, there are hundreds, thousands, perhaps even millions more who dedicate themselves each and every day to the goal of competing, of winning, of proving themselves to the world and becoming an Olympic athlete.

Today's guest, Joseph Seaman is one of those hopefuls. Born in the UK, Joe now lives in Austin Texas where he trains and competes in the sport of rowing.

From afar, rowing is a graceful endeavor, with streamlined boats gliding across the water, but if you zoom in closer, you'll see that it is a brutal sport that pushes the body and mind to it's limits.

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On today's show we discuss:

How he was introduced to the sport. What it's like to work a 9 to 5 job while training for the Olympics. The key elements of rowing technique. How eating Paleo has helped fuel his athletic performance. Why rowing is the perfect high-intensity exercise. How you can implement rowing into your routine. 

Links & Resources: 

Check out Joe's website, JoeSeaman.com
Connect with him on, InstagramTwitter



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