On today’s show we host Brian Richards, the founder of Sauna Space, who produce a range of portable infrared light and heat therapy devices. These come in the form of desk lamps and portable tents for use at home. Brian came upon this business after seeking solutions to his own health problems, and found that near infrared light helped solve his insomnia almost immediately. This experience, coupled with the gap in the market that he noticed, prompted him to found the company, and we are very happy to speak to him about his flagship products and what is surely going to be a booming business. During our chat we break down the health benefits of sauna therapy as well as compare inferior and more common instances of these practices. The foundation of heat and light therapy is mirroring the experience of our ancestors, much like a Paleo diet does with food, so this makes a lot of sense to us here at Paleo Magazine. Listen in to hear more!

CLICK HERE for the full transcript.

Key Points From This Episode:

The ancestral idea behind Sauna Space. How Brian’s personal struggles with insomnia led to the development of the product. The design and aesthetic component of the Sauna Space catalog. Some more information on the dangers of Electro-Magnetic Fields. Breaking down the differences in types of saunas and how they have been used. Comparing near and far infrared light. The Sauna Space product designed to sit on your desk and its uses. Use of the sauna in conjunction with physical training. Differences between near infrared light and UV light. A short description of the full body sauna system from Sauna Space. And much more!


“That’s what Sauna Space is, we bring the ancestral human experience with light.” — @saunaspace [0:04:14.1]

“Yeah, people think about saunas, they’re all great in getting the body to sweat, and that is the goal when we talk about detoxification and the most awesome, efficient way to detoxify the body, that is passive sweating.” — @saunaspace [0:19:13.0]

Links Mentioned in This Episode: 

Brian Richards — https://saunaspace.com/founder/

Sauna Space — https://saunaspace.com/

Bullet Proof Conference — https://tickets.bulletproof.com/

Ben Greenfield — https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/



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