On today’s show we are joined by Dr Joseph Mercola. Dr Mercola is the owner of one of the most popular health websites in the world, Mercola.com. He is the author of a number of New York Times bestselling books, and his new book, Fat For Fuel, is all about how a high-fat, whole-foods diet can help increase energy and brain power and even combat cancer. During our talk we get the lowdown on his new book and how fat fits into a Paleo diet and other low carb plans. Dr Mercola also gives us his perspective on the dangers of EMFs and how we can try and reduce their harmful affects on a daily basis. With his wealth of knowledge and vast experience in health, fitness, and fasting, we know you are not going to want to miss this one. Tune in to hear about it!

CLICK HERE for the full transcript.

Key Points From This Episode:

Dr Mercola’s personal fasting plan and what it consists of Using fat as a fuel for health and combatting the chances of cancer Mitochondrial metabolic therapy and reversing insulin resistance Increasing metabolic flexibility and how fasting can aid this Is too much protein worse than too many carbs? CAFO proteins and the damage this does to our health Eating windows, water fasting, and metabolic intervention How a keto diet relates to fasting and their supposed dependence on each other Supplements and just how necessary they are to a healthy body Combatting the huge amount of EMFs that surround us in public and in our homes Dr Mercola’s favorite film and how he has used a message from it And much more!


“Over 80% of our population is insulin resistant. That is incredible.” —@mercola [0:07:12.3]

“Most of the protein is highly problematic from a health perspective.” — @mercola [0:12:30.1]

“I moved to Florida and I get to walk on the beach nearly everyday and I have not swallowed any Vitamin D for about 10 years.” — @mercola  [0:38:43.1]

Links Mentioned in This Episode: 

Joseph Mercola on Twitter — https://twitter.com/mercola 

Fat For Fuel — https://www.amazon.com/Fat-Fuel-Revolutionary-Combat-Increase/dp/1401953778

Barista Boost — https://www.amazon.com/BaristaBoost-Superfood-Collagen-Cinnamon-L-Theanine/dp/B074PJMBWT

Travis Christofferson — https://www.mykidcurescancer.com/travis-christofferson/

Tripping Over The Truth — https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23496164-tripping-over-the-truth

Thomas Siegfried — https://www.sciencenews.org/author/tom-siegfried

Mark Sisson — https://www.marksdailyapple.com/

The Keto Reset Diet — http://www.ketoreset.com/

Valter Longo — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valter_Longo

The Fasting Mimicking Diet — https://prolonfmd.com/fasting-mimicking-diet/

The Complete Guide to Fasting — https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Guide-Fasting-Intermittent-Alternate-Day/dp/1628600012

Jason Fung — https://www.dietdoctor.com/authors/dr-jason-fung-m-d

Ubiquinol — https://ubiquinol.org/ubiquinol-coq10-supplement-facts

coenzyme Q10 — https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/heart-failure/tc/coenzyme-q10-topic-overview

PQQ — https://selfhacked.com/blog/pqq-review/

Ashwagandha — https://chopra.com/articles/what-is-ashwagandha

Selenium — https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/supplement-guide-selenium 

Acousticom 2 — https://www.amazon.com/Acousticom-Frequency-Protection-Affordable-Accurate/dp/B00LJ7YOTQ/ 

FitBit — https://www.fitbit.com/home

Oura Ring — https://ouraring.com/

The Fault In Our Stars — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fault_in_Our_Stars_(film)

NutriBullet — https://www.nutribullet.com/

Addictive Wellness — https://www.addictivewellness.com/



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