Social Media can make your paintless business grow. But its a lot of work. To get traction, you have to post a minimum of once a day.  Not only can this be a lot of work, its a huge distraction which can take you away from making money pushing dents.  Is there a way to control the timesuck? More and more sites are allowing you to schedule out your posts. Sit down once a week and set up your posting in advance and you’re done. Sort of.  Once you make a post, its a flash in someone’s timeline or feed. They might miss it.  Today, there are tools which allow you to build a library of posts which can be recirculated over time. Listen to hear our thoughts on these tools.    SHOWNOTES   Links mentioned in this episode: Buffer App IFTT (If This Then That) Zapier Meet Edgar Smarter Queue   Tool Reviews: Druztoolz Carbon Fiber Rod  Ti-Tack Tip   Also in this episode: How to identify where your customer is in the sales timeline A quick tip to get better search engine rankings with just one tweak to your site