On today's episode of the podcast, I sat down with JR to ask about one of the more common types of people we will find in our social media and even in our personal lives, "Askholes". Yes, Askholes. Those are people that don't only ask for you to provide them with free services but demand it and get uncomfortably offended when you don't. As a trainer, coach, or even person who is well versed in fitness, I am sure you can think back to specific moments in your lives when strangers, friends, and even loved ones have asked you to provide for them something you earn a living off of.

We discussed this topic on where we most commonly see this and how to navigate around it. It is impossible to ask people to pay for a service you provide for free on your Instagram and difficult to say no to people who are in your family when they ask for a freebie.

Enjoy this one!