In today's Q&A episode, I'll be answering these questions:

- should you be worried about the amount of mercury in fish?

- why does your body need so much sodium if it's hard to get in a whole-food diet?

- how do you know if you're not recovering well from your workouts?

Show Notes:

pH Balance DIY Program for acid reflux & gut health

WeNatal Omega DHA+ Supplement

Episodes 74 & 28 of the Paige Talks Wellness Podcast

Institute for Functional Medicine Resources

Shaking up the Salt Myth: The History of Salt

Shaking up the Salt Myth: The Human Need for Salt

You can learn more about me by following on IG or Tiktok @imperfectlypaigewellness or by checking out my blog, freebies, and offers on my website:

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