In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast I am speaking to head of rehabilitation at the Brisbane Lions in the AFL, Selwyn Griffith. As you can see from Selwyn's Twitter name, his background is osteopathy and as you will hear in the episode, his osteo background plays a huge part in his practice at the Lions. It was fantastic to get someone with a non-traditional background to S&C and hear how his thought process is slightly different to those who have entered the industry through more conventional routes.

In this episode you will learn -

Who is Selwyn Griffith (background, education and current role)

Why osteopathy?

Osteopathy's role in high performance sport

Manual therapy vs exercise therapy

Rehabilitation -> the team within a team -> culture

Progressions and staged criteria/goals

Return to play protocols

This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Coach Me Plus.

This episode is also sponsored by Vald Performance, the team behind the NordBord.

Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following me on Twitter @paceyperform or visiting

Selwyn can be found on Twitter @selwynosteo


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