The only person to have a 'part 4' of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Brett Bartholomew (episode #50, #71, #127) joins me in this episode. I love speaking to Brett, I think we have a lot in common with our interest in business and our outlook on the industry. For the first time, Brett is over at the UKSCA conference in August which I can't wait for and if you haven't booked on yet, make sure you do because the line up looks AMAZING. No sets and reps training chat in this episode but some serious good conversation. Enjoy!

In this episode, you will learn -

Who is Brett Bartholomew (background, education and current role)
Who is Brett Bartholomew (background etc)?
Update on different projects
Entrepreneurship in S&C - Only way to survive?
Conscious coaching, the book

Brett can be found on Twitter @Coach_BrettB

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