Enda comes on the podcast as an expert in the areas of athletic groin pain and ACL rehabilitation. In all honesty, it's always a little intimidating when physiotherapists come on the podcast, especially those with as much knowledge of biomechanics as Enda. Sports Surgery Clinic, Dublin is a great place and one that I visited 2 years ago. Since then there has been the addition of a performance facility which looks incredible. If you're ever in Dublin, do pay them a visit!

In this episode, you will learn -

Who is Enda King (background, education and current role)

Athletic groin pain

Reasons for occurrence

Rehab & return to performance

Influence of COD movement patterns

ACL risk screening

Assessing progress post ACL

Sports Surgery Clinic residentials
What is offered

Why people use the service

Most influential book you have ever read

Enda can be found on Twitter @Enda_King

This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast is sponsored by Vald Performance, the team behind the NordBord and the new Groinbar, a hip and groin strength measuring solution. They can be found at valdperformance.com and you can get more information on the groin bar at groinbar.com and on Twitter @groinbar.

This episode is sponsored by Fatigue Science. Fatigue Science combine wearable technology with biomathematical science developed by the US Army to offer fantastic insights into sleep and cognitive fatigue.

This episode is also sponsored by Forcedecks. If you want to know more about ForceDecks, listen to episode #139 of the Pacey Performance Podcast with co-founder, Dr. Daniel Cohen.

Keep up to date with everything that is going on with the podcast by following on Twitter @strengthofsci or visiting strengthofscience.com/166.



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