In this episode of History You Should Know, we learn about Mariame Kaba -- an organizer, educator and curator whose work focuses on ending violence, dismantling the prison industrial complex, transformative justice, and supporting youth leadership development.

Learn more:

·         Being MK - Mariame Kaba's Personal Website

·         Project NIA

·         Interrupting Criminalization 

·         Survived and Punished

·         Just Practice Collaborative

·         Hope Is a Discipline: Mariame Kaba on Dismantling the Carceral State

·         Is it time to reimagine justice and accountability for sexual misconduct?

·         From “Me Too” to “All of Us”: Organizing to End Sexual Violence, Without Prisons

·         Reimagining Justice: An Interview with Mariame Kaba

·         Mariame Kaba: Everything Worthwhile Is Done With Other People

·         Mariame Kaba wants us to imagine a future without prisons

Visit for show notes and transcripts.