This is a “twofer” podcast episode. I thought it was only fitting for me to pair up LESSON’S LEARNED with my MUST HAVES. If nothing else, we should be able to come out on the other side of this Covid-19 pandemic with a few of those don’t you think? What’s that saying??? “If your not […]
The post My “Must Haves” (Covid-19-Tested & Approved) appeared first on Andrea Patrick .

This is a “twofer” podcast episode.  I thought it was only fitting for me to pair up LESSON’S LEARNED with my MUST HAVES.  If nothing else, we should be able to come out on the other side of this Covid-19 pandemic with a few of those don’t you think?
What’s that saying??? “If your not moving forward, you’re moving back” (Sam Waters) or maybe… “  If you can t fly then run, if you can t run then walk, if you can t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. (Martin Luther King Jr).  I think this one is my favorite.
Because I want to move forward, I have been super intentional about what I’m doing during this pandemic and the result is a list of MUST HAVES…

Keep Listening To Hear:

3 Lessons I’ve learned this year (but emphasized during Covid-19)

7 of my MUST HAVES (heavily relied on during Covid-19)

What I’ve accepted about the world we live in NOW

What I’ve let go of and feel free from

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The post My “Must Haves” (Covid-19-Tested & Approved) appeared first on Andrea Patrick .