During this episode of P. B. & Style, I’m taking a look at 6 social media platforms and giving my personal tips and tricks for how I use personal branding to grow them. Social media is an a Achilles heal for many because of fear, mistakes made, and a lack of understanding. When you […]
The post 6 Social Media Platforms and How to Use Personal Branding to Build Them appeared first on Andrea Patrick .


During this episode of P. B. & Style, I’m taking a look at 6 social media platforms and giving my personal tips and tricks for how I use personal branding to grow them.

Social media is an a Achilles heal for many because of fear, mistakes made, and a lack of understanding.  When you look at the number of marketers talking about “Pay to play”, “building community”, “Click through rate”, “Search engine” and more it’s no wonder people are running for the hills AWAY from social media.

If you’re like me, you’ve made mistakes testing paid ads or paid subscriptions to make social media more efficient.  Knowing it requires a BUDGET to promote your business on social media, makes making mistakes one of those “paralysis by analysis” situations that takes us back to FEAR.


Help is on the way.  In this episode, you’ll learn:

My 2 BIG take always from this episode
Which social media platforms are best for long form writing
Which social media platforms I believe are best to showcase an extroverted personality
How to USE a social media platform for research even when it’s not a platform for exposure

A lot of what I talked about in this episode requires you TRULY understanding your unique value.  If you find you’re not quite there yet, that’s okay. I’ve got just the ticket.  My book, The BTB Business Journal will help you manage the volume of your personality, discover ways to stay motivated, effectively create circumstances for optimal success and more.  GRAB YOUR COPY TODAY!

If you like this epidsode, take a listen to these:


The post 6 Social Media Platforms and How to Use Personal Branding to Build Them appeared first on Andrea Patrick .