Fear is natural. It’s especially natural as it relates to “think-ups”, “start-ups” and “scaled-ups”. Don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise. Over my years as an entrepreneur, I’ve listened to my share of experienced AND successful business owners talk about their feelings of insufficiency. I’ve heard the admissions to feelings of stress, overwhelm and fear so […]
The post 3 Mind Shifts To A CEO Mindset appeared first on Andrea Patrick .

Fear is natural. It’s especially natural as it relates to “think-ups”, “start-ups” and “scaled-ups”.  Don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise.  Over my years as an entrepreneur, I’ve listened to my share of experienced AND successful business owners talk about their feelings of insufficiency.  I’ve heard the admissions to feelings of stress, overwhelm and fear so it’s perfectly within reason for you to feel it all too.

The key is to get control of your thoughts, actions, and intentions if you want to start seeing results in your business.  Today I’m talking about 3 Mind Shifts to a CEO Mindset.  I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of advice on this matter, but I bet it’s never been done from a personal branding approach.  As a matter of fact, I’ve got something up my sleeve as a follow up for this topic too…

Your mindset is like a muscle.  If you practice positive thinking, having an optimistic approach to the things you do, and have a productive attitude you can achieve a CEO mindset.

Listen to this podcast and learn:

What experienced and successful entrepreneurs say about fear
Why how you approach your business matters
The top tier tip that has helped me streamline my business
Three mind shifts to help you achieve CEO Mindset Status

Where could a CEO Mindset Adjustment help you in your business?

To get started with a more personalized approach to your marketing efforts I’ve got TWO very simple, very FREE options:


If you’re read to GET TO WORK… you should GRAB my book, The BTB Business Journal. It’s full of information, tools, worksheets, challenges and more. If you’re a self starter and can get thing done on your own, it’s a great way to tap into your personal brand then leverage it EVERYWHERE!

The post 3 Mind Shifts To A CEO Mindset appeared first on Andrea Patrick .