This episode... it fought back, I tell you what. But we finally wrangled it into some sort of shape. I'mma go with "parallelogram," because it looks like it's about to fall over, but it's a shape, anyway.
We meant to get this out when we were still in the throes of the holiday season, but hey, it's Winnie the Pooh Day, and I reckon that's worth celebrating. It's also National Michigan day, soooooo, go, Michigan, I guess.
You've been listening to:

Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia

Lee Shackleford as Pluto

for the last time, Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise and Ben

Eric Perry as Howard, Joe, and Dr von Haber Zetzer

Tim Sherburn as Colin and Emily

Chrisi Talyn Saje as Julie

Kevin Hall as Greg

David S Dear as Dr Theo Bromae

Bonnie Brantley as Jessie and Donna

Sarah Rhea Werner as Pipistrelle

Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield

Kyle Jones is your Narrator 2, and

Chris Nadolny Gourley is your Narrator

Our music is by John Faley, and our artwork is by Lucas Elliott (keep an eye out for Spy Grandma, coming from Simon & Schuster in Spring 2026!). Sarah Golding is our dialogue editor. Sound designer of this colossal mess is Shanon Perry. Oz 9 is written - apparently in her sleep - by that same Shannon Perry, which explains a lot.
Oz 9 is a proud member of the Fable and Folly Network! Please check out our sibling shows at and support our sponsors.
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This episode... it fought back, I tell you what. But we finally wrangled it into some sort of shape. I'mma go with "parallelogram," because it looks like it's about to fall over, but it's a shape, anyway.

We meant to get this out when we were still in the throes of the holiday season, but hey, it's Winnie the Pooh Day, and I reckon that's worth celebrating. It's also National Michigan day, soooooo, go, Michigan, I guess.

You've been listening to:

Shannon Perry as Madeline and Olivia
Lee Shackleford as Pluto
for the last time, Aaron Clark as le Bichon Frise and Ben
Eric Perry as Howard, Joe, and Dr von Haber Zetzer
Tim Sherburn as Colin and Emily
Chrisi Talyn Saje as Julie
Kevin Hall as Greg
David S Dear as Dr Theo Bromae
Bonnie Brantley as Jessie and Donna
Sarah Rhea Werner as Pipistrelle
Sarah Golding as Mrs Sheffield
Kyle Jones is your Narrator 2, and
Chris Nadolny Gourley is your Narrator

Our music is by John Faley, and our artwork is by Lucas Elliott (keep an eye out for Spy Grandma, coming from Simon & Schuster in Spring 2026!). Sarah Golding is our dialogue editor. Sound designer of this colossal mess is Shanon Perry. Oz 9 is written - apparently in her sleep - by that same Shannon Perry, which explains a lot.

Oz 9 is a proud member of the Fable and Folly Network! Please check out our sibling shows at and support our sponsors.

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