Professor Lord Nicholas Stern, a world renowned economist and leading authority on climate change, came to the 21st Century School on Thursday 7 May to give a lecture about his "Blueprint for a Safer Planet". Professor Lord Nicholas Stern, a world renowned economist and leading authority on climate change, came to the 21st Century School on Thursday 7 May to give a lecture about his "Blueprint for a Safer Planet". Lord Stern made headlines in 2006 with the publication of the influential Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change and the launch of his most recent publication "Blueprint for a Safer Planet", on which this lecture was based has also received attention from around the world. Further substantial global warming is now unavoidable and the risks to the natural world, the economy and our everyday lives are immense. Approximately 800 people heard Lord Stern explain his vision for a global deal to manage these risks and how the way we live in the next thirty years - how we invest, use energy, organise transport and manage forests - will determine whether these risks become realities.